Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Poor Dally

You know it's a sad day when Dally just lays around and doesn't want to play. The poor little bear is really sick and we're not sure what is wrong with him. Hopefully this time the vet will be able to conclude something. So, he is going back tonight to the vet to be observed and hopefully good news will come tomorrow. If not, he will have a camera put down his throat into his tummy and go from there.

Well, we all hope for the best. Hopefully bear will make a full recovery and come back home soon!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Glorious Christmas

Oh joy! What a fantastic Christmas it was this year. I got to enjoy several weeks of puppy licks and hugs. It was perfection. With Jakers, Lucy Bear, Texas, Dally, and Ol' Midnight, it was a full house of lovable pups. I also got some sweet presents from the family and a super cool watch from the boyfriend.

Today, I went to the pound with Sheldon and had a delightful time looking at the adorable dogs. There are so many sweet bears, I don't know how you could possibly choose just one. I can't wait to have my own puppy. But until then, I shall play with all of the other dogs!