Sunday, September 23, 2007

Picking Mates

In class last week, we read an article by bell hooks about romance and the idea around love. It was very interesting. I still am not sure where I stand exactly on this, but I do know that it was indeed thought provoking. The class discussed the article for a good fifteen minutes. It was roughly questioning the logic around being in love and the process, or lack there of, of finding a mate.

I read the article and at first was completely thrown off guard. How we could possibly choose our mates by a list based solely on our needs. Oh my, what a brilliant idea. If only it could be that easy and logical. It would be a great idea if we actually chose our mates by our needs and by our mind. Instead we are taught my the media, society, etc, that we are supposed to fall dramatically in love and be swept off our feet. Clearly that is not the case. Just think about how much happier couples would be, the divorce rate would most likely decrease. But, the romance side of love would be completely gone. If only we could do away with romance, but can we? Even it is what we really truly need, will we be able to give up on romance?

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