Sunday, September 16, 2007

Women in Sports

Earlier this week in class we had discussed questions over several readings. One of the discussion questions in particular was fascinating to me. It was basically asking why women aren't taken seriously in sports. It also asked what influences society played in women's sports.

It was clear to me playing sports through high school who was valued more. In case you didn't notice, everyone else did. I mean people blatantly tell you you are not as important as the boy's team, even if they lose all the time. I thought maybe it was just a high school thing, but unfortunately it is not. Who decides that women are not as important and shouldn't be given the opportunity? Is it like every other institution, where the white men with the money run the show? So the "upper class" white men get to decide if it is important enough to have a women's tennis team or softball team. But boy will they support a women's cheerleading team or dance team. Why is it that all women have to fit into this cookie-cutter life, not all women want to be like that.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

pride...welling up...

The first step is getting pissed off. :-)