Friday, October 26, 2007

Advances and setbacks for women

In today's society we, as women, are more capable of having a career than in the past. However, with the vast achievements in making careers easier for women to have, there are plenty of disadvantages.

In the 1960s, the U.S. was going through a political and social war basically. In this time two extremely important Acts were passed to help women succeed in the workplace. The first was the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal to openly pay a women less just because she was a woman. next was he Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, that said gender can not be used in criterion in employment except where there is a "bona fide occupational exception". These acts did help tremendously, but the disadvantages and backlash were far worse. The continuity of sexual harassment still occurred as well as gender segregation. In the gender segregation, terms such as the glass ceiling, glass elevator, and glass precipe started to form.

With such terrible setbacks in the workplace it is no wonder that it became so hard for women to achieve success. Not only were women penalized for being female they also were paid less. Still today women make 76 cents to the man's dollar. Since it is still an uphill battle for women to achieve equality, especially in the career world, we must not forget that we deserve these rights like men do. No matter what gender you are you should be able to achieve the highest success possible. If we continue to strive for success, we can eventually overcome this oppression.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Did you read an article by Andersen about gender stratification and the economy? This sounds very familiar, like what I taught my students a couple of weeks ago!