Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Feminist and still Pro-Life?

It is not hard decision for me, but for some it may be. I firmly believe that you can not truly be a feminist and be a pro-life supporter.

I can personally say that I am a feminist who supports pro-choice. I do not understand or know for that matter, how people can say they are a feminist and pro-life. One of the main principles in being a feminist is to support equal rights for women. So agreeing that abortion is wrong because the fetus does not have rights, is saying that you do not care about the rights of the woman. Why is it that the pregnant woman has less rights than the unborn fetus? Why is our society so fixated on the idea that the fetus has the right to life, why not the woman? It just doesn't make since, the women should have more rights. It is there body, they should be able to choose what is best for them. I do not believe that your could possibly be a supporter of pro-life and honestly say that you are a feminist.

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