Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gulity after a Rape?

In our reading this past week, we read an article that dealt with this woman's feelings and thoughts after she was raped. It was a very interesting story. She started out talking about her childhood in school. She states that this boy would constantly poke her with a pencil, and it would annoy and hurt her. She agonized over it everyday, when one day she got up the courage to tell her teacher, she told her to go sit down and wait until he did it again.

Soon after this, she begins to discuss her rape. She was attacked and raped in her own home. She describe her as feeling rude for not asking him in. She is facing a man as she said scared her, and she feels rude for not asking him in. It is absolutely ridiculous that she feels this way. Why is it that she feels guilty, is that they way society has taught her? This outraged me. Later on in her story, she tells the reader about her rape. As he was raping her, she complemented him! She felt that she should give him gratitude. If it wasn't bad enough that she felt impolite, she complemented him on his performance. This is absolutely disgusting. As I was reading this, I was truly disturbed. If this is how our society deals with these situations I am truly frightened.

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