Monday, November 26, 2007


In our last chapter, it is about activism and change. We have discussed issues that plaque society that involve women. Everyday we are battling to overcome this oppression and succeed in becoming equal. Whether we, as women, are getting paid less, receiving less respect, less opportunities, funding, more violence against us, we can still do something. It is difficult ometimes to get past the disadvantages but there are things we can do to change our society. For one we can vote, even though it can be inconvient, voting is one of the biggest ways to get your voice heard. I personally get discouraged living in a red state that my vote will not be counted, but at least I know that I did what I was supposed to do and it might make a difference. Another way is to get involved. I am a member of NARAL Pro-Choice, and feel a great sense of pride. I can proudly say that I have written to my Congressman and told him why they should not increase birth control and why what I do to my body is my choice. Being an activist, no matter what it is, will make a difference. There are many ways that you can become an activist, whether it is online website, volunteer work, protest, or write letters it will all help. After knowledge you have recieved after a Women's Studies Class, and this one in particular, you should stand-up for your rights as women. So I ask all of you, to get involved. Whether you support volunteer work at a domestic violence shelter, write to your Congressperson, protest in Washington, or vote. You can all be an activist!

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