Friday, October 26, 2007

Equal Partnership

As it is true in many households, there is an imbalance between partner's household work. For the majority of people, it is usually the women who end up working the "double shift". Although this has been common throughout history, I think the time has come to break away from this unfair tradition. The work among a household should be equally divided up. The ideal of equal partnership should be practiced in every household no matter what the employment circumstances are. Although one (or both) of the household members work outside of the home should not determine who receives the majority of household work. Now that women have more economical freedom, we should be able to have a career, a family if so desired, and not have to perform all of the chores at home as well. If equal partnership was the social norm, then there would most likely be less stress on the women as well as a more enjoyable life. Not only would it make women more happy, but also make the other household members lives more fulfilling.

1 comment:

veronicatafoya said...

I totally agree with you. Just because we are women doesn't mean that we should be required to do all of the housework, care for the kids, make dinner, go shopping, etc, etc, etc. This was the subject of a long discussion between me and my boyfriend...we both come from household were our mother did practically everything...I mean he didn't even know how to use the oven until his parents were divorced...his mother always did everything for him...and well I'm not willing to do that...